1. To start, CLICK the "JOIN MASTER YOURSELF" Button below.
2. Fill out the form with your PERSONAL INFORMATION, and your CARD DETAILS.
3. Click the "Pay" button and give it a few seconds to process.
4. After a successful payment, you will see your REGISTRATION PAGE.
5. Create a profile for yourself with a USERNAME, your NAME and EMAIL.

6. After you completed the registration, you will receive two emails.
FIRST EMAIL: A receipt of your purchase.
SECOND EMAIL: Welcome email (with your login credentials just for your records.)
The welcome email might take a few minutes, but you will be able to login immediately and start with the program after you created your profile.
Your Lifetime Membership Login link is: https://amindinstitute.com/login/
7. Login and enjoy!
Congratulations! Welcome to the program!

If you need technical assistance, please write us at info@amindinstitute.com
Copyright © 2012 - 2025 | Advanced Mind Institute | A Rob Szentes Training Company